Saturday 14 May 2011

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  1. Hi everyone,
    I found a series of videos on youtube regarding business communication and the importance of effective communication in workplaces today. Please feel free to take a look when you're free, and i hope you guys will find this helpful. Cheers! (

  2. I personally have troubles writing formal/informal documents. I believe the biggest challenge we face in writing a document is whether we're using the proper format and all that. Here's a website that tells you the format of a variety of business documents.

  3. Below is a number of websites regarding business writings. They outlines a series of business writings.

    Please note that the 2nd link is a very useful source for those of you who are interested in learning project pitching. It would definitely help you in presenting your points to your boss.

  4. Hi everyone,
    Our textbook discusses the benefits of working in groups, but as with many things in life there are often factors that can hinder performance.
    The following link discusses the popularity of virtual teams, and the key aspects that can impair productivity. This may be helpful in your studies and workplace to know what to avoid.

  5. Thanks for this link, Ryan.

    I think the article you found highlights a point I made in class this week: your written work may the only way that many business colleagues and associates can develop a sense of who you are.


  6. Thanks, Alan.

    It's good to hear another Australian! Mitchell Harper makes some helpful observations about business communication - although the style of this video doesn't convey the kind of professionalism many of you will be striving for in business.


  7. There are many websites offering samples of business letters. These can be a helpful starting point for your own communication, but please retain a critical perspective when using them. You may well be able to write better letters yourself!

  8. Alan.

    Thanks for identifying why you think the second of your four links is helpful (i.e., for project pitching). Like the WIN-WIN approach and SMART analysis, this link emphasizes the need to "Gain [a] thorough understanding of your audience's needs."


  9. The following link is one that im sure everybody has heard alot about in the past, but does tie in to ethical communications regarding the misrepresentation of numbers. Enron is probably the perfect example of the mess that can come from doing so.

