In the video it goes over the steps in preparing and carrying out the task of writing instructions.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Writing Instructions
In the video it goes over the steps in preparing and carrying out the task of writing instructions.
Find out if you REALLY want to own your own business.
Many of the questions motivate you start your own business but then there is always the question of - will I make enough income? When working for someone else there is always the security with the "guaranteed" income but there may be limited flexibility.
Check out the article, there are a few other links at the bottom as well that are useful and make you think about which route is best for you.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
How to control your fear of public speaking
postal strike is over
Poor Communication Leads to Inadequate Workplaces
Role of Technology in Business Communication
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Humour in Business
This is the video:
How to Write a Business Memo
Annotated Bibliographies
Here is a great article on annotated bibliographies. It explains everything you need to know about annotated bibliographies.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Stress relievers for students
Communication in the workplace
Tips on good research
Start reading from "When looking for useful sources"
How to write an Annotated Bibliography
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Tips on How to Write a Proposal
I have been in my accounting diploma program for two years, and I found that many courses need to write a project proposal. Some students including me did not know how to write an effective proposal, so eventually we did not get a good mark on our proposal. Therefore, learning how to write a good proposal is very important. I found a link which gives me some hints on how to write a proposal. I hope this can help you guys too.
Here is the link.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Toastmasters Speaking Tips
Has anyone joined or attended a Toastmasters meeting? I found this on the net while I was looking for public speaking tips. I copied this from the site. Toastmasters list 10 tips on public speaking. Here is the link
Members learn how to:
- Deliver effective speeches and presentations
- Easily lead teams and conduct meetings
- Give & receive constructive evaluations
- Be better listeners
Create a Bibliography in Word 2007
There is a YouTube video that teaches you how to create a bibliography in Word 2007:
Step 1: Click on the “References” tab
Step 2: Choose “APA” as your citation style
Step 3: Select “Source Manager” button to add new sources
Step 4: Choose “Type of Source” list to fill in the appropriate fields
Step 5: Click “Ok” button to return to the original document
Step 6: Click “Bibliography” button to insert references
As a result, this bibliography creation process in Word 2007 allows users to create references quickly and easily.
How to say no?!
I find sometimes it's really hard for me to refuse others' requests and say "no" to them. If I say no, I think that may hurt their feelings or worsen the relationship. But by saying yes, it's unfavorable for me either.
This article I found can help me solve this problem. It lists 7 ways to say no, which can minimize the damage to others and effectively communicate yourself. If you have the same trouble as me, this article can be helpful.
Here is the link to the article:
Remember, don't try to be a "Yes Man" all the time. Learn to say no!
Successful networking
I found this book "Successful networking : how to build new networks for career or company progression" in the Richmond campus library when I wrote my annotated bibliography.
In this book, the author explains the importance and benefits of networking and gives detailed instructions on how to network. I think this book is very helpful for us because building a good network is very important and essential for a successful career.
Here is the library code: HF 5381 K39 2010
Go and check it out!
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Plagiarism in the workplace...
The Dean of the Medical School at the University of Alberta recently resigned after it became known that he had plagiarized the speech he delivered at a graduation ceremony:
How to Write a Cover Letter
- Break it down into three main thoughts:
- what position you are applying for
- skills and experience
- how the employer can contact you
- Keep it simple ( do not have long paragraphs or complicated sentences)
- Keep it short (maximum one page)
- Read it over (Is it friendly and clear? Is everything that needs to be included?)
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
10 things to avoid when creating a resume
Here are 10 things to avoid when creating a resume:
1. Too focused on job duties
2. General objective statement
3. Too short or too long
4. Using personal pronouns and articles
5. Listing irrelevant information
6. Using a functional resume when you have a good career history
7. Not including a summary section that makes an initial hard sell
8. Not including key words
9. Referring to your references
10. Typos
These 10 aspects are further explained in this article:
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Presentation Tips for Public Speaking
Writing An Effective Proposal
Preparing a Resume
3 important job searching strategies
1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. Proactive Participation
These three steps are discussed in more detail on this website :
Monday, 20 June 2011
Victoria Employers Plan to Hire in the Third Quarter
Here is the link to the article:
Sunday, 19 June 2011
How to be an effective group member
1. Communicate (if you have a problem with someone talk about it)
2. Don't blame others (be honest and admit if you made a mistake)
3. Support group member's ideas (show that you are interested and open for new ideas)
4. No bragging (this may create tension within the group)
5. Listen actively (look at the person who is speaking and ask questions)
6. Get involved (if you help other's they are likely to help you in the future)
Vancouver Cleans Up After Riots
How to prepare an annotated bibliography
How to Introduce Yourself
Cross Cultural Communication
Friday, 17 June 2011
Employers Expectations of Employees
Here is an article in the news titled “Expectations must be communicated to employees” :
Going to school and business career success

Is Too Much Technology Ruining Us?
However, I believe that this constant connectivity and reachability although helpful in the work environment, can also be a detriment. I recently read an online article in the
Constant multi-tasking can also be dangerous too. Recently there was a widely publicized case of a teenage girl, 15 year-old Alexa Longueira was walking along
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Vancouver Canucks "FANS"

moore's law
Make your identity known!
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Public Speaking Tips
Monday, 13 June 2011
Good communication = Good wage
Tips on answering interview questions.
Working together
Here is some extra information pertaining to effective business communication, ... communicating what you meant to comunicate
Common Interview Questions & Answers
12 secrets to effective business communications
Welcome CMNS 1140 students in Langley!
Sunday, 12 June 2011
What to do after an interview
This is the link to the article:
Interview Questions and Answers -- Job Interview Questions and Best Answers
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Good Communication Equals To Good Business
Good communication is not the only reason for success; however, it is necessary to build a successful business. The ability to communicate also plays an important role in making a manager’s success. In this article, the author Marty Blalock (2006) describes three reasons why communication is critical for organizations:
1. “Ineffective communication is very expensive.
2. The changing environment and increasing complexity of the 21st century workplace make communication even more important.
3. The world’s economy is becoming increasingly global” (Blalock, 2006).
As a result, good communication is important to business and individual promotion. That is why I am talking CMNS 1140 to better communication skills.
Friday, 10 June 2011
Public Speaking context based on the situation
Internet credibility in the video game industry
Writing an Annotated Bibliography
Sample Resume For Management Positions
How to write an effective cover letter
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
1. the need to critically evaluate all information you find on the internet (in the interview with Brad Salyn); and
2. the impact of (avoiding) gossip in the workplace:
Job interview tips
How to write successful resumes
Take a look at the website: .
Tips on public speaking
How social media can benefit your business
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Immigrants in Canada
This is the link to the article:
Sign Language Expression: The Importance Of Gestures And Facial Expressions
I found an article that analyze how you can learn and use expression effectively.
I think this article can help you avoid some unnecessary cultural conflicts. So hope you enjoy it!
The Secret of Professional Success: Positive Communication
Effective communication at work
1. being honest
2. make yourself aware on how you approch co-workers
3. maintain eye-contact and listen attentively
4. schedule regualar progress with your team
5. familiarize yourself with your co-workers way of communicating
I think these are some interesting tips to follow in the future.
Who need computer, I got a phone which is smart!
Matthew Miller nominated top 10 smart phone in 2011, which one is your favorite? Check out the link below. For me, Sony Ericsson Xperia Play !
10 Questions to Ask an Employer in an Interview
Nearly 50% of British Workplaces ban Social Media!
Graeme McMillan of Time Magazines "Techland" discusses how some businesses in the UK are worried about their 'image' and reputation and therefore have implemented a ban on all social media in the workplace.
the current trend in business communication
"Business communications play a major role in a corporation's day-to-day activities such as checking emails and corresponding to any important messages. Research may be required for customer inquiries that need additional information. Companies are assimilating information to their customers increasingly by referring them to company websites, where all pertinent company data can be found in one location." (page. 1)
She also says that "[t]he message from these new communication trends is that companies are always seeking more effective ways to communicate and get their message across to customers." (page 2.)
Also, we all know that Communication is the core in running a business effectively. So i would recommend to read this article to give yourself a brief understanding what makes communication so important as well as why business requires technology updated when using their communication tools.
Hope you enjoy!
The Importance of First Impressions
States Economy Not Improving
The link discusses how fast the un-employed percentage is rising in the states and how advertising is related to that rise. Although we live in Canada and this issue is not a huge concern, we should remeber to not to rely on advertising for job positions since most employers do not advertise for these postions.
Information on Job Interview
"Twitter is Helping Your Business and Growing Your Network"
mixing business with pleasure

Do online interviews show ambition?
Personally, I dislike online interviews, from a job-hunting perspective, because I don't trust companies that won't meet me face to face (and it's their loss because I know I'm a hard worker). Maybe because I feel like they have something to hide, and right up front, it seems like they treat their workers like drones because they won't meet me face to face like a real human being.
But I wonder: Is the person who completes a strenuous online interview, a more suitable candidate because they have put more effort into completing an online interview, and therefore have more drive and ambition? I guess if it is a computer company. Maybe. Or are these companies losing potential candidates to other companies because they won't put in the effort to have a face-to-face interview?
You can easily find this article in the Kwantlen library database: International Journal of Market Research; 2001 Quarter 4, Vol.43 Issue 4, p361-375, 15p
Note: This article is really long (but interesting). For this argument sake, read under the header "Sampling Issues" on pg. 368
"Stephen Harper Speaks With Obama At G8" Link:
"Prime Minister Stephen Harper speaks with President Barack Obama [At the g8]"
This is business, and security-related, because Stephen Harper, and Obama are talking about trading, travel, and the security involved between Canada and the United States
This is an important conversation/issue, because our leaders need to keep our countries safe while trading, and having people travel because they could contain possible illegal drugs, and possible security threats, such as bombs and terrorists.
I decided to do a post on this topic, because we live in Canada, which is right next to the United States. Whatever goes on in the United States, most certainly would have Canada involved.
Communication biases and Monopolies power
In this article, he discussed about the common errors in communication biased, and i think it may help us in avoiding message receive and sent wrongfully.
He mainly discussed the communication biases through three aspects:
"1. How do specific communication technologies operate?
2. What assumptions do they take from and contribute to society?
3. What forms of power do they encourage? "
Take a look, and feel free to comment on it. Hope you enjoy!
What Colour is Your Parachute?
Friday, 3 June 2011
A Little On Communication
Three Situations That Require Face-To-Face Conversations
Here is the link to the article: