Thursday 30 June 2011

Writing Instructions

This is a youtube video that I came across about "Writing Instructions".
It is relevant to the current stage we are in for our assignments so I thought I would share it.
In the video it goes over the steps in preparing and carrying out the task of writing instructions.
It is a very useful video because you can visually see what is going on as she describes each step in some detail. Following the correct process is important when writing instructions so make sure to follow it properly. This is just another source of information along with our in class notes.

The video is giving instructions on how to give instructions. =)
Watch the video here

Find out if you REALLY want to own your own business.

Are you considering starting up your own business after graduating? Have you really thought about WHY you want to own your own business instead of going out and working for someone else? This article asks many questions that makes you think and find out why you may or may not want to start your own business.

Many of the questions motivate you start your own business but then there is always the question of - will I make enough income? When working for someone else there is always the security with the "guaranteed" income but there may be limited flexibility.

Check out the article, there are a few other links at the bottom as well that are useful and make you think about which route is best for you.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

How to control your fear of public speaking

I found this interesting article which is on how to lose your fear of public speaking. One tip of the author was that it is a learned skill and it has to done repetitively. And the author stresses the importance of rehearsal and it should be done over and over again. This makes your presentation feel more natural. Another tip is to videotape yourself. And the last tip, right before the presentation starts take a deep breath and make eye contact with your audience. I hope these are some helpful tips one can use for the next presentation.

postal strike is over

It is great to see that the postal strike is over. Even though our society is depending more on technology when communicating, it is still important for businesses and any other Canadian to have full access to the mail system to stay in touch with the world. Unfortunately, many people were affected by this strike, and I'm glad that things are back to "normal". Would have been nice to find out 3 weeks earlier that my friend overseas is getting married. I am happy that I found out about the wedding before it was too late.

Poor Communication Leads to Inadequate Workplaces

The following link is a great article outlining the harmful effects of poor communication in the work place.

Role of Technology in Business Communication

In order to keep up in the modern business world, we must keep up with modern technology that can give us a competitive edge. The following link shows a few tools that can make out lives much easier in the world of business communication.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Humour in Business

I think using humour in business is a risky step because not everyone will understand the joke. It would make sense to make a joke if your in a interview with a comedian but not if you are talking to someone who is serious or doesn’t speak the same language as you. I watched a video of an Australian broadcaster, Karl Stefanovic, who was interviewing the Dalai Lama and tried to make a joke but the joke was clearly lost in translation. Personally, I wouldn’t attempt to add humour to an interview with the Dalai Lama.

This is the video:

How to Write a Business Memo

I found a great article on how to write a business memo. I had used this article as a guide in completing my project idea memo.

Annotated Bibliographies

Hey everyone,

Here is a great article on annotated bibliographies. It explains everything you need to know about annotated bibliographies.

Monday 27 June 2011

Stress relievers for students

Things can be very stressful for students, a lot of us are taking more then one class, are juggling jobs, family and friends. We have a full plate most of the time with all of the above. I found some stress reliever tips specifically for students on the website below. I hope that you can find one or more that will help you de-stress!

Communication in the workplace

I know that when I have conflict with someone that I work with, a normally happy day at work isn't so happy. It can make things tense and, personally, I tend to get thrown off. Nobody performs up to their full potential when there is extra stress or tension at work. I came accross this article while I was doing research for another class and found it very interesting. It gives you 11 different communication tips for a "healthy workplace". I thought that this would be helpful to all of you fellow school mates because you could use these tips not only at work but in other relationships as well to keep things less stressful.

Tips on good research

It's hard to know when to trust certain sources of information, also where to find what you are looking for. I found this website that gives a few good tips on what to look for when doing research. I found it helpful and I found myself questioning my sources and looking for credibility in the stuff that I found. Hopefully it does the same for you guys!

Start reading from "When looking for useful sources"

How to write an Annotated Bibliography

I found this article with tips and examples on how to write and Annotated Bibliography. I thought it was really helpful and gives some good examples. Hopefully you all find it helpful as well!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Tips on How to Write a Proposal

Hi Everyone,

I have been in my accounting diploma program for two years, and I found that many courses need to write a project proposal. Some students including me did not know how to write an effective proposal, so eventually we did not get a good mark on our proposal. Therefore, learning how to write a good proposal is very important. I found a link which gives me some hints on how to write a proposal. I hope this can help you guys too.

Here is the link.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Toastmasters Speaking Tips

Has anyone joined or attended a Toastmasters meeting? I found this on the net while I was looking for public speaking tips. I copied this from the site. Toastmasters list 10 tips on public speaking. Here is the link

Members learn how to:

  • Deliver effective speeches and presentations
  • Easily lead teams and conduct meetings
  • Give & receive constructive evaluations
  • Be better listeners

Create a Bibliography in Word 2007

There is a YouTube video that teaches you how to create a bibliography in Word 2007:

Step 1: Click on the “References” tab

Step 2: Choose “APA” as your citation style

Step 3: Select “Source Manager” button to add new sources

Step 4: Choose “Type of Source” list to fill in the appropriate fields

Step 5: Click “Ok” button to return to the original document

Step 6: Click “Bibliography” button to insert references

As a result, this bibliography creation process in Word 2007 allows users to create references quickly and easily.

How to say no?!

Hi class:

I find sometimes it's really hard for me to refuse others' requests and say "no" to them. If I say no, I think that may hurt their feelings or worsen the relationship. But by saying yes, it's unfavorable for me either.

This article I found can help me solve this problem. It lists 7 ways to say no, which can minimize the damage to others and effectively communicate yourself. If you have the same trouble as me, this article can be helpful.

Here is the link to the article:

Remember, don't try to be a "Yes Man" all the time. Learn to say no!

Successful networking

Hi class:

I found this book "Successful networking : how to build new networks for career or company progression" in the Richmond campus library when I wrote my annotated bibliography.

In this book, the author explains the importance and benefits of networking and gives detailed instructions on how to network. I think this book is very helpful for us because building a good network is very important and essential for a successful career.

Here is the library code:
HF 5381 K39 2010

Go and check it out!

Thursday 23 June 2011

Plagiarism in the workplace...

If you ever had any doubts that plagiarism could lose you your job, think again!

The Dean of the Medical School at the University of Alberta recently resigned after it became known that he had plagiarized the speech he delivered at a graduation ceremony:

How to Write a Cover Letter

When looking for a job it is essential to have a cover letter included with your resume. The cover letter is the first step in getting hired. It is not only an evaluation of your skills and your resume, it also evaluates you as a worker and a person. When preparing your cover letter remember these guidelines:

  • Break it down into three main thoughts:
  1. what position you are applying for
  2. skills and experience
  3. how the employer can contact you
  • Keep it simple ( do not have long paragraphs or complicated sentences)
  • Keep it short (maximum one page)
  • Read it over (Is it friendly and clear? Is everything that needs to be included?)
Here is a link that defines these guidelines in greater detail:

Wednesday 22 June 2011

10 things to avoid when creating a resume

In order to get a job we need a top-notch resume.

Here are 10 things to avoid when creating a resume:

1. Too focused on job duties

2. General objective statement

3. Too short or too long

4. Using personal pronouns and articles

5. Listing irrelevant information

6. Using a functional resume when you have a good career history

7. Not including a summary section that makes an initial hard sell

8. Not including key words

9. Referring to your references

10. Typos

These 10 aspects are further explained in this article:

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Presentation Tips for Public Speaking

Hello everybody,

Public speaking is not for everyone! I know some of us may feel comfortable speaking in front of the public/large crowd, but the rest of us may not. Therefore, this website is great for illustrating what to do and what not to do during an oral presentation. In short, this article suggests a few things to be aware of during a presentation; as a result, they contribute to make your oral presentation effective and persuasive!

Here's the link!

Writing An Effective Proposal

Hey everyone,

I've found a source that teaches you how to write an effective proposal. In this article, the author, Amanda Glisson, provided guidelines in writing a proposal that covers the following topics:

The purpose of a proposal
The plan of a proposal
- who is my audience?
- what do i want my audience to get from my proposal?
- how can i make sure my audience understands what i want them to know?
The style of a proposal
The writing of a proposal

I hope you will find this useful for the proposal writing assignment.

Preparing a Resume

When you are looking for any job it is important to have a clear and professional resume that will attract potential employers, not turn them away when they look at it. To help prepare a professional resume here are some simple things to avoid ensuring that your resume is attractive and will aid in your possible future employment:

3 important job searching strategies

On BC jobs website there are 3 important steps which could help you find a job. The three P’s:
1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. Proactive Participation

These three steps are discussed in more detail on this website :

Monday 20 June 2011

Victoria Employers Plan to Hire in the Third Quarter

In Victoria, 20% of employers plan to hire more employees in the third quarter of 2011. This is a 10% increase compared to the second quarter of 2011. However, the 20% is a 7% increase compared to the third quarter of 2010. Therefore, people seeking for work have a better chance finding a job now then they did during the third quarter of 2010. This article also states that employers from all sectors are planning to hire during the third quarter. Therefore, individuals with all sort of experience and education can find the job they desire.

Here is the link to the article:

Sunday 19 June 2011

How to be an effective group member

There are some interesting tips in this article on how to be an effective team member.

1. Communicate (if you have a problem with someone talk about it)
2. Don't blame others (be honest and admit if you made a mistake)
3. Support group member's ideas (show that you are interested and open for new ideas)
4. No bragging (this may create tension within the group)
5. Listen actively (look at the person who is speaking and ask questions)
6. Get involved (if you help other's they are likely to help you in the future)

Vancouver Cleans Up After Riots

As we all know after the Stanley Cup loss Wednesday night hundreds of individuals started rioting the streets with intentions to damage, loot, destroy property to surrounding businesses and cars and much more. Everyone in Vancouver was shocked, ashamed and embarrassed that people in our community would do these horrible things. However the following day as early as 5:00 am an estimated 15,000 people of all ages came to Vancouver to help and try and erase what had happened. They cleaned the streets and scrubbed the graffiti away all in the effort to show that this is our city and what happened does not reflect everyone that lives here. It is amazing how a tragic event involving a small number of individuals like this can bring the whole community together to make things right and show what Vancouver is actually about.

Here is a link to one of the many newspaper articles of the clean up efforts performed by Vancouver’s community:

How to prepare an annotated bibliography

We recently need to write an annotated bibliography so I researched online and found a link which is about how to prepare an annotated bibliography. The link is including the format of an annotated bibliography,example according to MLA and APA,and style guides to help you prepare annotated bibliographies. I hope this link is helpful when you are preparing your annotated bibliographies.

How to Introduce Yourself

Some good information on introducing yourself and giving good first impressions when adressing one person or a group.

Cross Cultural Communication

Here's a humorous site that goes over some of the problems companies experienced when they expanded globally. Really highlights the need to know your audience.

Friday 17 June 2011

Employers Expectations of Employees

Every employer expects certain things from their employees. Employers expect employees to not be using cell phones for personal phone calls or personal facebook accounts. New employees may not know these things which is why I think it is important for a employer to set the rules and tell their employees when they hire them.

Here is an article in the news titled “Expectations must be communicated to employees” :

Going to school and business career success

My parents have always told me to go to school so I can do anything I want when I grow up.....Luckily, I feel good knowing that any business would have a lot to benefit from hiring people who have a good college or university title......However, there are many people who mathematically feel that studying is not the best option to succeed and that connections alone will get you ahead....
Their logic is as follows (I do not agree with this, but it is a great application of Algebra)

Is Too Much Technology Ruining Us?

Chapter one of Business Communication discusses the high demands of the workplace and how technology is changing the way we communicate within the workplace. Employees are not only expected to keep up with the latest technology but also keep up with the demands that the latest technology places on them. Social media such as blogs, wikis, You Tube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. allow people to stay connected constantly and allow for interaction. Internet, email, instant messaging, faxes, voice mall, and smart phones are convenient and essential in today’s workplace. No one can deny the benefits of technology in the business world. Everything is now accessible at the tip of your fingers and a press of a button.
However, I believe that this constant connectivity and reachability although helpful in the work environment, can also be a detriment. I recently read an online article in the Seattle Times (August 15, 2004), “More Than One Way to Develop an MSD” which warns of the dangers associated with too much technology. The author of the article states that overexposure to technology can negatively affect a person’s productivity and called the phenomenon,“cognitive overload.” The Times says “it’s resulting in workers whose multitasking lives are making them distracted and stressed.”
Constant multi-tasking can also be dangerous too. Recently there was a widely publicized case of a teenage girl, 15 year-old Alexa Longueira was walking along
Victory Boulevard
in Staten Island when she fell into an open manhole. She was so focused on texting that she fell into an open manhole and injured herself. This makes me question whether we as humans are able to multi-task all the technology we have created for ourselves.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Vancouver Canucks "FANS"

A picture is worth a 1000 words. Unfortunately, in this case it should be worth a 1000 days in prison for the people who did this.

I do not care if this is related to the communications class or not....But last night's are a complete disgrace for this city. People say it is like going back to 1994, I say try a latter more, like back to the days when we used to beat each other with a stick, or throw stones, or invented the wheel. It amazes me that many people can make sense of something so complicating like calculus, resumes, and blogging for communication class (that one was for you DR. KATE). However, last night, "sense" should have been the weapon to beat into some of those people who started the riots.

moore's law

I found this very interesting concept at:
Moore's law makes us think about the power of technology in everyday life, and in business. Technology is advancing incredibely fast, and it is very hard to keep up. When you buy a new product that is the latest technology gadget, it becomes an "old piece of junk" a year later. Businesses keep buying the latest technologies to communicate and reach out to the rest of the world. The question now is, is it really worth it to keep up with the latest technologies so businesses can communicate faster and more efficiently? or does the cost outweigh its benefits?

Make your identity known!

Because each CMNS 1140 student needs to make at least ten posts to the class blog, at regular intervals through the semester (and because I need to know that you have done so!), please use your name when posting or commenting.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Public Speaking Tips

Public speaking is one of the worlds biggest fears. In the business world you will be doing more and more of it. It is important to prepare before and to know what to avoid so your presentation is effective. Here are some important tips for public speaking and presenting that can help anyone become a better public speaker.

Monday 13 June 2011

Good communication = Good wage

I agree with Bob Kerrey, president of New School University in New York, he says: "Writing is both a 'marker' of high-skill, high-wage, professional work and a 'gatekeeper' with clear equity implications." There is other good tips on this link:

Tips on answering interview questions.

We all know that interviews can be quite scary and people often make mistakes just because they are nervous. The following link shows you how to relax and the best way to answer some difficult questions.

Working together

Here is some extra information pertaining to effective business communication, ... communicating what you meant to comunicate

Common Interview Questions & Answers

Here is a useful link I found to the Douglas College website that shows examples of appropriate answers to interview questions, to reiterate some of the material we reviewed last class. I think this site is useful as it provides several good options for common questions asked in interview settings. For example, one question that may be posed could address why someone may have left their previous job. The site provides many appropriate answers in point form that we could expand on, without talking poorly about the previous organization we may have worked for.
Here is the link:
Let me know if you find these questions useful?

12 secrets to effective business communications

Here is a link for 12 secrets to effective business writing! Being able to communicate well in any business situation is crucial in todays business world. If you are unable to communicate effectively your potential may be limited. This link gives 12 secrets that can help anyone be more effective in their business communications, from asking the right questions to writing well.

Welcome CMNS 1140 students in Langley!

CMNS 1140 students in Richmond have been posting to this blog since we covered blogging in class last week. Today, CMNS 1140 students in Langley will have the same class - so our class blog will now feature comments from students in both locations.

Sunday 12 June 2011

What to do after an interview

In class we learned that after an interview it is important to get in contact with the company to let them know you are still interested. There is a article in the FOXBusiness that gives great tips on what to do after an interview.

This is the link to the article:

Interview Questions and Answers -- Job Interview Questions and Best Answers

Today I found a link which is about interview questions. The link provides some tips for people about how to effectively answer interview questions;it may give some hints to people who are applying for a job recently or in the future.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Good Communication Equals To Good Business

Good communication is not the only reason for success; however, it is necessary to build a successful business. The ability to communicate also plays an important role in making a manager’s success. In this article, the author Marty Blalock (2006) describes three reasons why communication is critical for organizations:

1. “Ineffective communication is very expensive.

2. The changing environment and increasing complexity of the 21st century workplace make communication even more important.

3. The world’s economy is becoming increasingly global” (Blalock, 2006).

As a result, good communication is important to business and individual promotion. That is why I am talking CMNS 1140 to better communication skills.

Friday 10 June 2011

Public Speaking context based on the situation

I enjoy watching television, and I started to watch this TV show that made me think about the time we talked about context in a message in class. This is a perfect example where the context of the message determines whether it will get me us into trouble, or get a good laugh. Bill Shatner, an enormous Canadian icon in show business, is the victim in this video I would love to have the speaker's confidense and public speaking skills. Of course, I would have to make sure that the speech matches the situation and the audience. I hope you enjoy this video, and please do not be offended by the coarse language, and sexual inuendo, you have been warned.

Internet credibility in the video game industry

I am a big video games fan. I am waiting for the news about Sony's upcoming Playstation 4. However, I do not know what website to trust, since anybody can gain "credibility" by lying on the internet. I found this interesting article at from a "reliable" source, but I do not know how credible this person is due to the mistakes I found in this article. He states "Sony spend over $3 billion dollars in developing the PS3" ( There are also other mistakes, where parallelism is misused. Credibility drastically decreases when mistakes appear in the articles, especially where the "picture" of the PS4 is just a Playstation 3 painted in Gray. One has to research online since so many websites claim the know the truth.

Writing an Annotated Bibliography


Now that we've already finished the job package assignment, and we are about the start the next assignment in this course which is the Annotated Bibliography.

The following link covers a variety of topics in writing an annotated bibliography such as the followings:

- What is an annotated bibliography?
- Selecting the sources
- Summarizing the argument of a source with samples
- Assessing the relevance and value of sources
- Various kinds of annotated bibliographies
- Some language for talking about texts and arguments

I hope you guys will find this useful~


by the way, the canucks game starts @ 5pm today! Go Canucks Go

Sample Resume For Management Positions


For those of you who are in the business faculty, you may wish to find a management level position after you graduate from post-secondary school. The link below provides guidelines in how to write a resume about a specific position. Please take a look, and you may find some useful information.


How to write an effective cover letter

Hey everyone,

Here's a website which tells you the guidelines in writing an effective cover letter. Feel free to take a look at it, and you may find something useful


Wednesday 8 June 2011


This podcast from CBC's DNTO program makes some important (and funny) points about the nature, role and consequences of gossip, including:
1. the need to critically evaluate all information you find on the internet (in the interview with Brad Salyn); and
2. the impact of (avoiding) gossip in the workplace:

Job interview tips

I found this clip on youtube it's an interview with Mike Aguilera he is an communication expert. During this interview he talks about the importance of subcontious communication during job interviews. How to control your body language and the importance of eye contact. He goes on to talk about what kinds of question you should ask the interviewer. I think these are some more insights to what we already have learned.

How to write successful resumes

In class we learned about how to write resumes. I came across a website which gives detailed information on how to write a successful resume. On this website there was one point that particularly interested me. It stated that a graduate will send out 70 resumes when they are looking for their first graduate job. This interested me because it gave me an idea of how many I will probably be sending out after I graduate!

Take a look at the website: .

Tips on public speaking

Most people will agree that public speaking can be quite nerve wrecking and downright terrifying at times. The fact is it doesn't have to be this way, it just takes practice and a few simple behavioural skills. The following video gives tips on good presentations and how to get your audiences attention.

How social media can benefit your business

People are still unaware of just how beneficial social media can be to their company. As discussed in class, there are still a few companies that still do not involve themselves with any form of social media. This link provides great facts about social media and how it is the biggest shift since the industrial revolution.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Immigrants in Canada

 There is an article in the Now Newspaper telling the opinion of Tom Marks. He believes it is “an immigrant's responsibility to learn one of the official languages” of Canada. I agree with his opinion because Canada is a bilingual country. If someone is choosing to live in a country with English as one of the main languages they should be able to speak and understand basic English. If an immigrant knows some English I believe it would make their lives easier in Canada. To make it easier for immigrants to learn English I think more people should start an ESL business to provide training to new arrivals.

This is the link to the article:

Sign Language Expression: The Importance Of Gestures And Facial Expressions

As we all know that sign languages are using widely all over the world; however, some same sign languages has different meanings, even opposite meanings in different countries. In business world, especially when you are expatriated to a foreign country and you want your business succeed. A very important thing is you need to understand the local sign expression as well as to use it properly.
I found an article that analyze how you can learn and use expression effectively.

I think this article can help you avoid some unnecessary cultural conflicts. So hope you enjoy it!

The Secret of Professional Success: Positive Communication

I recently read a website which is about teaching people how to improve public speaking. A professional needs to be good at communicate not only through written but also through oral. This website may help people who have public speaking difficulties. I hope you guys enjoy reading this website.

Effective communication at work

I came across this article from, it is about effecitve communication at work. There are 5 diffrent tips on how to interact with co-workers or clients:
1. being honest
2. make yourself aware on how you approch co-workers
3. maintain eye-contact and listen attentively
4. schedule regualar progress with your team
5. familiarize yourself with your co-workers way of communicating

I think these are some interesting tips to follow in the future.

Who need computer, I got a phone which is smart!

Nowadays, computer is not the only essential tool we need for communication. We need a device which is easy to take along, large capacity to operate, all functions owned in one package, and cool outlook to show around.

Matthew Miller nominated top 10 smart phone in 2011, which one is your favorite? Check out the link below. For me, Sony Ericsson Xperia Play !

10 Questions to Ask an Employer in an Interview

We've discussed the type of questions we might be asked in an interview but we have not discussed the type of questions we should ask the employer. I came across this article that shows the 10 questions you should ask the employer in an interview. It is important to find out as much as you can on the employer before accepting a job.

Nearly 50% of British Workplaces ban Social Media!

Millions of people use social media everyday. Social media is an effective communication and networking tool even in the workplace, but where can we place limits on social media?

Graeme McMillan of Time Magazines "Techland" discusses how some businesses in the UK are worried about their 'image' and reputation and therefore have implemented a ban on all social media in the workplace.

the current trend in business communication

People has always been changing their communication tools as new technology appeals. The current business requires information communication accurately and effectively. I read an blog post by Janet Hunt, a Yahoo network contributor, who discussed the change in various communication tools and analyze the future innovation methods in her blog:

"Business communications play a major role in a corporation's day-to-day activities such as checking emails and corresponding to any important messages. Research may be required for customer inquiries that need additional information. Companies are assimilating information to their customers increasingly by referring them to company websites, where all pertinent company data can be found in one location." (page. 1)

She also says that "[t]he message from these new communication trends is that companies are always seeking more effective ways to communicate and get their message across to customers." (page 2.)

Also, we all know that Communication is the core in running a business effectively. So i would recommend to read this article to give yourself a brief understanding what makes communication so important as well as why business requires technology updated when using their communication tools.
Hope you enjoy!



The Importance of First Impressions

Not many people realize the importance of making first impressions. Making first impressions is not only important in building a good relationship with other people, but also crucial to become successful in the business world. I hope this website that I found can help you improve with your professional careers and with your personal life.

States Economy Not Improving

Although Canada's economy is on the rise to improvement, the US is getting hit by each passing month. US employers are making it challenging for the un-employed to obtain a job by advertising less about job openings because they are unable to afford to hire individuals.
The link discusses how fast the un-employed percentage is rising in the states and how advertising is related to that rise. Although we live in Canada and this issue is not a huge concern, we should remeber to not to rely on advertising for job positions since most employers do not advertise for these postions.

Information on Job Interview

Recently, we've talked a lot about job interviews, and to know how to act properly during a interview is really important to us. Dr. Power has introduced us a great book "The Color of Your Parachute" which gives a complete review about job interviews. However, if you don't want to spend too much time reading the book, a useful link that I find in Wikipedia also gives some very detailed and condensed information about job interview.

"Twitter is Helping Your Business and Growing Your Network"

Here is a BLOG post I came across about some of the benefits of Twitter. It talks about the ways it can help you communicate effectively, help you with your business and grow your network.
I myself have a Twitter account which I am still learning how to use. If you like feel free to follow me and help me grow a network of professionals with similar goals. Enrique604

So what are you guy's thoughts on Twitter? Does anyone else use it? Any tips or ideas in making your Twitter more successful?

mixing business with pleasure


This is a great memorandum showing how extracurricular interests affect the workplace.

Important sporting events can cause a disturbance in the workplace. However, sometimes a little honesty and lack of denial in a memorandom can put a little more fun and honesty in the workplace. Although the context of the memo is informal, it shows that when people have common interests in the workplace, it might make one's day at work a little more exciting.

Do online interviews show ambition?

"A critical exploration of face-to face interviewing vs. computer-mediated interviewing" is a expressive article exploring the idea that fewer people complete online interviews when compared to face to face interviews. The study shows that people find it harder to complete online interviews, because they have trouble expressing their feelings, ideas, or opinions in writing.

Personally, I dislike online interviews, from a job-hunting perspective, because I don't trust companies that won't meet me face to face (and it's their loss because I know I'm a hard worker). Maybe because I feel like they have something to hide, and right up front, it seems like they treat their workers like drones because they won't meet me face to face like a real human being.

But I wonder: Is the person who completes a strenuous online interview, a more suitable candidate because they have put more effort into completing an online interview, and therefore have more drive and ambition? I guess if it is a computer company. Maybe. Or are these companies losing potential candidates to other companies because they won't put in the effort to have a face-to-face interview?

You can easily find this article in the Kwantlen library database: International Journal of Market Research; 2001 Quarter 4, Vol.43 Issue 4, p361-375, 15p

Note: This article is really long (but interesting). For this argument sake, read under the header "Sampling Issues" on pg. 368

"Stephen Harper Speaks With Obama At G8" Link:

"Prime Minister Stephen Harper speaks with President Barack Obama [At the g8]"

This is business, and security-related, because Stephen Harper, and Obama are talking about trading, travel, and the security involved between Canada and the United States

This is an important conversation/issue, because our leaders need to keep our countries safe while trading, and having people travel because they could contain possible illegal drugs, and possible security threats, such as bombs and terrorists.

I decided to do a post on this topic, because we live in Canada, which is right next to the United States. Whatever goes on in the United States, most certainly would have Canada involved.

Communication biases and Monopolies power

I came over an article by Harold Adams Innis, a political economist, whose famous for his communication theory in Marshall McLuhan.
In this article, he discussed about the common errors in communication biased, and i think it may help us in avoiding message receive and sent wrongfully.
He mainly discussed the communication biases through three aspects:
"1. How do specific communication technologies operate?
2. What assumptions do they take from and contribute to society?
3. What forms of power do they encourage? "
Take a look, and feel free to comment on it. Hope you enjoy!

What Colour is Your Parachute?

I came across the website version of What Color Is Your Parachute and thought this would be a very appropriate link to upload being as we discussed this book in class. For people who don’t want to go out and buy the book I thought having direct access to the site would be very useful as there are many tips relating to resume writing. This site has many heading and links which makes it well organized and easy to navigate. Dick Bolles also has a blog linked on this site. I found this to be useful as new workforce trends come into play or new resume tips are discovered that can help us the viewer will be in the know. Hope you enjoy!

Friday 3 June 2011

A Little On Communication

Here's a site that help show that employers are looking for people with good writing skills and the importance of these skills to the workplace

Three Situations That Require Face-To-Face Conversations

With today's advanced technology, we can communicate with others by phone calls, emails, and many other ways. The article "Three Situations That Require Face-To-Face Conversations," however, talks about the importance of face-to-face communication. It mentions that face-to-face communication is especially important and useful in three aspects: employment communication, negotiations, and client interaction.

Here is the link to the article: