Tuesday 7 June 2011

10 Questions to Ask an Employer in an Interview

We've discussed the type of questions we might be asked in an interview but we have not discussed the type of questions we should ask the employer. I came across this article that shows the 10 questions you should ask the employer in an interview. It is important to find out as much as you can on the employer before accepting a job.

1 comment:

  1. Great observation, Gurjit! The article you mention makes some good suggestions:

    1. Identify Their Pain (which overlaps with my points about identifying the employer's fears and presenting yourself as part of the solution to their problems):
    - "What is one of the biggest problems the company faces that someone with my background could help alleviate?"
    - "If I started in this job tomorrow, what would be my two most pressing priorities?"

    2. Find Out Where the Company Is Going:
    - "Where do you see this department/company in five years?"
    - "What are the long- and short-term goals of the company/department/work group?"

    3. Determine Whether You'd Fit In:
    - "How would you describe your company's culture?
    - "What tangible and intangible qualities attracted you to the organization?"
    Show You're Really Interested:
    - "What additional information can I provide about my qualifications?"
    - "What are the next steps in the selection process?"

    4. Ask Follow-Ups:
    - "Can you clarify what you said about...?"
    - "Can you give me some examples of...?"

    Richard Bolles also suggests asking what skills/traits would make someone successful in the position. I particularly like this questions because
    1. knowing the answer to it will help you decide whether or not the job is for you; and
    2. it positions you as someone who is eager to succeed.
