Sunday 19 June 2011

Vancouver Cleans Up After Riots

As we all know after the Stanley Cup loss Wednesday night hundreds of individuals started rioting the streets with intentions to damage, loot, destroy property to surrounding businesses and cars and much more. Everyone in Vancouver was shocked, ashamed and embarrassed that people in our community would do these horrible things. However the following day as early as 5:00 am an estimated 15,000 people of all ages came to Vancouver to help and try and erase what had happened. They cleaned the streets and scrubbed the graffiti away all in the effort to show that this is our city and what happened does not reflect everyone that lives here. It is amazing how a tragic event involving a small number of individuals like this can bring the whole community together to make things right and show what Vancouver is actually about.

Here is a link to one of the many newspaper articles of the clean up efforts performed by Vancouver’s community:

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