Wednesday 8 June 2011

How to write successful resumes

In class we learned about how to write resumes. I came across a website which gives detailed information on how to write a successful resume. On this website there was one point that particularly interested me. It stated that a graduate will send out 70 resumes when they are looking for their first graduate job. This interested me because it gave me an idea of how many I will probably be sending out after I graduate!

Take a look at the website: .

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Nisha. Remember Bolles' point that sending out reumses is the 2nd worst way to get a job (sucess rate of 7%).

    That said, you may well need to send out many resumes - the key things are:
    1. not to get discouraged; and
    2. try other methods of job-hunting, as well as resume-sending.

