Friday 10 June 2011

Internet credibility in the video game industry

I am a big video games fan. I am waiting for the news about Sony's upcoming Playstation 4. However, I do not know what website to trust, since anybody can gain "credibility" by lying on the internet. I found this interesting article at from a "reliable" source, but I do not know how credible this person is due to the mistakes I found in this article. He states "Sony spend over $3 billion dollars in developing the PS3" ( There are also other mistakes, where parallelism is misused. Credibility drastically decreases when mistakes appear in the articles, especially where the "picture" of the PS4 is just a Playstation 3 painted in Gray. One has to research online since so many websites claim the know the truth.

1 comment:

  1. As you've no doubt noticed, typos and other grammatical errors are also commonly found in spam - and detecting them is one of the easiest ways of identifying (otherwise quite credible-looking) spam.
