Tuesday 26 July 2011

A Must Read That I Too Must Read

Business communications is vital to any business persons success along their selected career path. Communications between people will come in a multitude of different varieties. The most important you will find however, will be verbal. Verbal communication can make or break a deal, make or break a contact, and make or break a relationship. Business relationships are most important when first starting out and these relationships are very much like personal relationships. You must make a friend before you make business. "How to make friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie has been hailed from everyone from Donald Trump to Warren Buffet as a must read for everyone entering business. The main scope of its text is to educate you on how to be more outgoing and likable among peers and more specifically business colleagues. I personally have not gotten the chance to read it yet but am looking forward to in the near future and highly recommend that you do to!

Here is a Link to the Online PDF Version of the Book :

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