Friday 29 July 2011

Report Formats

My biggest "pet-peeve" is when a document is not formatted professionally. Even without reading the text, one can get a message from how the page is organised. By making the proper spacing adjustments, font sizes, styles or other, one can get the first impression that they are about to read an intellectual document, and go into the text prepared to read something worth-while. Sometimes this state of mind can sway the audience to be a little softer when reading a persuasive argument.

A document can only be effective if it is formatted professionally.

Here are a few of my (not so obvious and random) tips:

1. Use italics strategically: If the document looks dense, italicise things that appear in a pattern, such as a list.

2. Sometimes, choose to either bold or underline the headings. If you choose both, there will probably be too much ink on the paper.

3. Only number headings or paragraphs to avoid confusion. Don't slip them in just to look like an outdated biology text book.

**the more white space there is, the happier the reader will be. Think about it

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