Wednesday 6 July 2011

Talk With Your Hands

As we all know one of the toughest fears all young aspiring business people have is public speaking. Whether it be the anxiety of the situation, or the fear of failure, everyone gets nervous to some degree. One of the main things that professional speakers emphasize to do while making your presentation is to speak with your hands. Paint a visual picture, show movement, and reenact the words you are speaking to better communicate your message. Speaking with your hands has a three way advantage. One, using your hands allows you to attract the audiences attention. Two, your message will be further understood and retained. And three, it allows you as the speaker to focus on your message. Although, most presenters in university don't think about their body language when preparing their speech. Every great speech made, has seen the presenter talk with their hands.


  1. I have used my hands during Powerpoint Presentations to emphasize important points. I have even gone beyond just using hand signals during Powerpoint Presentations, and acted out examples of what I am presenting about. Example: Circling an object, to represent a planet orbiting a the sun in Astronomy class. I remember my Astronomy teacher acting out how stuff works, and even using actual objects to present with. Presenting with hand signals, like you said, and objects like I said is better, and more interesting than just talking for a half and hour.

  2. I agree, it is great to use your hands when you present a public speech. It shows a lot of confidence. My opinion is that even though a lot of those speakers are excellent speakers, I believe that it looks too good, or even very rehearsed. Especially when people steeple their hands. I see that so much, that it is just starting to become a conscious, regularly practised mannerism. I think sometimes people are so good in their speeches, that it intimidates the audience, as if the speaker is not in touch with the audience's level. I hope I explained this well enough, it sounds a lot more convincing in my head.
