Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Cell Phone Do's And Don't During A Meeting

Cellphone becomes part of our lives and most people owns a cellphone. Cellphone is a very easy way to connect people but cellphone can be disturbing and rude to other people in a meeting. The articles talks about Cellphone Do's and Dont's during a meeting to avoid unpleasant and disturb feeling to other people that you're having meeting with.
It is extremely rude especially when a person let the phone rings aloud and for a long time.
For example, the article mentions that imagine you're texting and using the phone all the time, the person across to you is like invisible. The person that you're having dinner with might feel unrespected and not as important. The communication between you and the others might kept getting disturbed by phone calls.

For a list of Do's and Don't do during a meeting please refer:

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