Wednesday, 10 August 2011

How To Communicate With Negative People

Hey Guys
This article is talking about how to communicate with negative people around us. Communication is natural gift for us and we are applying this gift to people everyday. When we are communicating with friends, family, or strangers; we all apply this skills of communication and hope to achieve the result from communication. I notice that some people aren’t confident when there is a negative force around them. The negative often cause them to have less confidence to speak or share ideas.
Here are 3 ways to help us to communicate with people confidently:
1. Do not believe everything you hear! (The best way to do is filtering every word from others.)
2. We don’t need others’ approval to communicate (Being positive about the things that you are saying.)
3. Being positive and staying positive! ( Seeing things in a positive perspective!)
Joseph Shen 100200828
The link:

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