Friday, 12 August 2011

The History of Visual Communication

Have you ever stopped to think about all forms of communication? Well if you haven't, one of my favorite is visual communication. The ability to communicate an idea or feeling visually and expressively.

I came across a website with course material from a university in Turkey. It is a course on visual communication and it has various sections and examples of these forms. Beginning from the early images found in caves and carved into rocks, all the way through to our more modern computer and age of technology.

There are several images and a lot of information that teaches you how things have evolved over time.

I really enjoyed this website because it allows you to see how far communication really goes. It dates back as far as over 40,000 years ago with the use of cave paintings and carvings as forms of communication. Very primitive but proved to be effective.

Let me know what you thought of this find. =)

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