Monday 15 August 2011

Your Appearance Communicates

How you present yourself is always communicating to others a lot about yourself. In the business world, a person losing an opportunity because of lousy dressing happens more often than not. I found this information on dressing in the business world that is very informative....

How to Blog: Blogging Tips for Beginners

Blogging may be a new thing for some people. It has been around for a long time, it is a good way to discuss something you have interest in and provide your personal opinion. I found this post on this site that describes blogging and how to blog for beginners. This isn't just a basic website with a small definition of blogging. They have links on basically every different type of blog you can think of. They tell you all the basics on how to start blogging about what ever interests you. This is a great way to express your self, I think everyone should blog-


Sunday 14 August 2011

Five Grammatical Errors that Make You Look Dumb

I found this article to be a good read and it was a bit funny too. Everything they mention is very much true. When we are in hurry to type we make stupid grammar errors. This article looks are the 5 most common Grammatical Errors people use when making online post. It is true, it does make you look dumb, so take the time and make sure it makes sense. If your looking for a funny, useful and short read you should check this out-


Class Participation Tips

Class participation is a important part in doing well in school. I have no trouble speaking in public and asking question. However, there are a lot of shy kids who find it very difficult to participate in class discussions. I found this website that gives a lot of useful tips on how students can increase there level of class participation. This site gives a lot of tips, like if you cannot come up with a question to ask you can pony off some other students question. If you feel like you are a shy person and don't participate in class, I do believe this site can help you out so please take a look-


How to Write a Research Proposal

We looked at this in class many time and the textbook explains it as well. A research proposal is a large task to complete and you can easily get off track. This website has an article written by professor Dr. Paul T.P. Wong from Trinity Western University on how to write a research proposal. I found this site very useful because of the way everything is explained. All the key components and step are laid out and numbered. As well, under each section there is a description on what is expected for this section and what you should include. I found this helpful when I was stuck on my proposal and I believe it is worth checking out-


What is good PowerPoint design?

Powerpoint presentation can get very boring, especially if they lack pictures and are full of information. We suffer from information overload, especially its a 3 hour lecture. This website give great tips on how to make your powerpoint more informative using less words and more graphs. This is a great website for when you are making a powerpoint presentation for a project. Have a look and see-


Avoid These 10 Resume Mistakes

With this economy they way it is, it is very difficult to find a job. There is large number of unemployed workers who are all applying for jobs. If you want to stand out and get that phone call for an interview you must have a solid resume. I came across this website some time ago, it basically takes about the 10 things you need to avoid when making your resume. The text book talks about tips and the correct form on how to make a resume. This website goes more in depth and looks at your resume from a view of a company looking to hire workers. I found this very useful and I hope you guys do to-
