Thursday 11 August 2011

5 tips to closing a sale

Sales is about getting the person you are talking to , to trust you. Sales is about making the person you are talking to believe that what you are selling is what they need. I will briefly summarize the five tips I found to closing a deal.

  1. Get beyond "yes": Once the person has agreed to what you are selling move into the next stage of sale quickly. Do not spend to much time lingering after the client has said yes this will give them time to second guess and in the end say no.
  2. Create a sense of urgency: Try to close quickly try to make it seem as though they need to take this deal right now and not wait.
  3. Use the threat of competition: Sometimes making someone feel like the deal will be lost or the deal will go to a competitor is enough to close the deal.
  4. Generate "late breaking" news: Make sure through the entire process you are giving new and valuable information to the client in order to continue to reinforce why the deal should be made.
  5. Be prepared to not close: You are not going to close every deal, sometimes people walk away. Make sure you got a lead out of it and do everything you can to make the sale or another sale with that person in the future.
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