Tuesday 9 August 2011

Communication Skills: Space and Distance

Hey Guys
This article is talking space and distance in communication skills. I found this article to be particularly interesting and want to explain the concept of space in our culture. We are very aware of the person to person distance in our culture. We can often tell a person’s power or status by his office layout and his office space. There are many appointments and waiting need for us to do in order to meet the top position manager or executive in the company. An office’s physical space can also tell a man’s position in the organization chart.
Later, the article also mentions to us the distance between a person that we should have according to the relationship
Intimate Distance: 1 to 2 Feet
Personal Distance: 2 to 4 Feet
Social Distance: 4 to 12 Feet
Public Distance; 12 feet to further
Joseph Shen
The link: http://www.leehopkins.com/nonverbal-communication-space.html

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