Friday 5 August 2011

Seven Simple Ways to Say NO

I have the difficulty saying “No” because I hate to disappoint someone else. I rather say yes to be more positive. In real life, it is important to say no to manage time for what is really important. By doing that, you also give yourself a favor to reduce stress levels and increase productivity in the workplace. In this article, author provides seven simple ways to say “No” politely:
1. “I can’t commit to this as I have other priorities at the moment.
2. Now’s not a good time as I am in the middle of something.
3. I would love to do this, but…
4. Let me think about it first and I will get back to you.
5. This doesn’t meet my needs now but I will be sure to keep you in mind.
6. I am not the best person to help on this.
7. No, I cannot.” (Chua, 2010).

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